This is a very wierd article that one of my readers thought I may enjoy posting. So, for his thoughtfulness, I will put my two cents in on it. Read the following excerpt:
BERLIN (Reuters) - A plan by a German zoo to test the sexual appetites of a group of suspected homosexual penguins has sparked outrage among gay and lesbian groups, who fear zookeepers might force them to turn straight.
Alright, this is so weird. In the first place, why do people care what the sexual orientation of penguins are? Do people not have enough things to worry about in their lives that they have to be concerned if a gay penguin is being forced to procreate? On a second note, it is my opinion that homosexuality does not exist in the animal kingdom. I feel it is some strange mental illness of sorts - along the lines of schizofrenia or manic depression. I do not believe it is a gene, and therefore not applicable to other animals. Click on the link, read the article, and give me your take.
Sign of the Apocalypse no. 14907
While I agree that this story is incredibly stupid and not really worthy of debate, I am very bored so i will add my two cents worth. The truth is that homosexuality is well documented in the animal kingdom, though it is more commonly found in animals with more highly developed brains than penguins. Dolphins are known to be almost universally bisexual, and to use sex as a way of socializing completely apart from reproduction. Bonobos, a subspecies of chimpanzee, also occasionally engage in homosexual behavior. I personally was unfortunate enough to own two female dogs who appeared to attempt to mate, though i have been assured this was simply "displays of dominance." Interestingly enough, the fact that very intelligent animals such as dolphins and apes are those most likely to exhibit homosexual tendencies reinforces coley's theory that homosexuality is akin to mental illnesses. While i do not necessarily agree with this hypothesis, it is also in the most intelligent animals that symptoms of nervous disorders and self-mutilation are most commonly displayed.
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