Thursday, October 27, 2005


Anonymous said...

george bush doesn't care about black people and you shouldn't either

Anonymous said...

I think Bark Like a Dog brings up a pretty good point. People like Kanye West do put up barriers between the races unfairly. Racisim had nothing to do with the shitty responce to Katrina. It was incompetence. For every liberal who brings up the fact that all conservatives are 'racist, prejudiced, ignorant, rich, and pig-headed' there are just as many conservatives who call liberals, 'bleeding heart, hippie communist, uneducated, tree huging homosexual scum'. Both liberals and conservatives unfairly stereotype each other. To try to blame only liberals for it is kinda stupid (not to mention hypocritical). I can realte to you though. When i make an intelligent argument, a conservative will often try to dispute the reasoning by making the argument I sound like communist who wants doctors and janitors to make the same amount of money or I'm hippie scum who hugs trees. People who call conseratives 'rich, ignorant and racists' are just as un educated as the ones who call me a 'tree huggin hippie'. They dont have any any intelligent comment to say so they just try to discredit you with bullshit.

As for Racism, blacks think white people are prepetuating racism and white people think blacks are. In the end, it's just a vicious cycle. Both sides misunderstand each other. That attitude isn't gonna help anyone. Attitudes like the one Bark Like a Dog has are no better then that of Kanye West. The only difference is Kanye has a bigger audience.