Thursday, January 06, 2005

The Rubberband Man

The Rubberband Man is a hilarious marketing device which OfficeMax has so cleverly come up with. The commercials feature this black guy with a huge afro handing out office supplies to people while The Spinners' "Rubberband Man" is played in the background. The latest commercial has the guy handing out office suppies to Santa and his liitle Elfs as they prepare for Christmas. During this, a crowd of Christmas caroling children are singing the backup chorus of "The Rubberband Man." This is one of the funniest things ever.


CCJM said...

Yeah, Lawnmower. I always thought that Earthlink commercial was pretty funny too - a nice little jab at all those insane marketing devices which companies use. Perhaps not quite as funny at the Rubberband man, but certainly a good commercial.