Thursday, July 21, 2005
Heading Southbound
Bright and early tomorrow morning I am heading down to the deep south - southern Georgia - for a couple weeks. It will be a nice relaxing break from the farm work and everything else here in town. I'll be posting some more of the cool stuff when I get back...Check back then.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
A Few Funny Things
A toilet broke today in a bathroom of ours and the water is now shut off to the house. I am about to go over to our country club to use their facilities to bathe and clean up. This strikes me as being almost as hilarious as the picture I posted yesterday.
Speaking of hilarity, I was at McCarthy's Bar downtown and this fat Irishman began singing Irish folksongs in the middle of the establishment. After a little while, he broke into a spirited rendition of "American Pie" by Don McLean, and before long the whole bar was joining him in the chorus.
Speaking of hilarity, I was at McCarthy's Bar downtown and this fat Irishman began singing Irish folksongs in the middle of the establishment. After a little while, he broke into a spirited rendition of "American Pie" by Don McLean, and before long the whole bar was joining him in the chorus.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Word of the Day
propinquity \pruh-PING-kwih-tee\, noun:
1. Nearness in place; proximity.
2. Nearness in time.
3. Nearness of relation; kinship.
Following the race he took umbrage at Stewart's rough
driving so early in the day, and the propinquity of the two
drivers' haulers allowed the Kid to express his displeasure
up close and personal.
--Mark Bechtel, "Getting Hot," [1]Sports Illustrated,
December 6, 2000
1. Nearness in place; proximity.
2. Nearness in time.
3. Nearness of relation; kinship.
Following the race he took umbrage at Stewart's rough
driving so early in the day, and the propinquity of the two
drivers' haulers allowed the Kid to express his displeasure
up close and personal.
--Mark Bechtel, "Getting Hot," [1]Sports Illustrated,
December 6, 2000
Monday, July 18, 2005
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

This book is selling at astounding rates - 250,000 sales per hour, and reportedly earning JK Rowling $36 million in one day. I admit, I actually went out yesterday and bought the book; albeit, not for myself. Rather it was a gift, but I did still feel like a member of the millions of other people that were clambering over this Potter Madness. When I first walked in to the Barnes and Noble Bookstore, I was confronted by an enormous pyramid created with hundreds of Harry Potter books. I luckily did not have to take part in the midnight mania, which apparently included costumes and characters, face painting, readings from the book, and other activities. The Harry Potter phenomenon really is intriguing. My favorite part is the fact that 7 years ago JK Rowling was a poor, single mother. She is now one of the wealthiest members of our society, and she achieved this based on her own brilliant ideas, hard work, and determination. In my humble opinion, JK Rowling is the living embodiment of the American Dream.
- Here is what the wait to Potter Midnight Madness was like at Joseph-Beth, here in Lexington, KY.
- These are a few knicknacks concerning the release of the newest Harry Potter.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Roald Dahl's Writing Hut

This article in The New Yorker, describes Roald Dahl in depth, and takes you into his world of exciting and bizarre children's stories. Included below is a small excerpt from this terrific critique of Dahle and his writing.
Roald Dahl, the British author of children’s books, wrote in a tiny cottage at the end of a trellised pathway canopied with twisting linden trees. He called it the “writing hut,” and, since Dahl was nearly six feet six, he must have inhabited it like a giant in an elf’s house. Dahl died in 1990, at the age of seventy-four, but one day a year his widow, Felicity, invites children to the estate where he lived, in Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, and local families swarm in like guests at Willy
Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Word of the Day
fealty \FEE-uhl-tee\, noun:
1. Fidelity to one's lord; the feudal obligation by which the
tenant or vassal was bound to be faithful to his lord.
2. The oath by which this obligation was assumed.
3. Fidelity; allegiance; faithfulness.
He was re-elected Governor in 1855, and his administration
of the State affairs, both in that and the preceding term
of office, was marked by a regard for the public interest
rather than party fealty.
--"Andrew Johnson Dead," [1]New York Times, August 1, 1875
1. Fidelity to one's lord; the feudal obligation by which the
tenant or vassal was bound to be faithful to his lord.
2. The oath by which this obligation was assumed.
3. Fidelity; allegiance; faithfulness.
He was re-elected Governor in 1855, and his administration
of the State affairs, both in that and the preceding term
of office, was marked by a regard for the public interest
rather than party fealty.
--"Andrew Johnson Dead," [1]New York Times, August 1, 1875
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
In UK news...Randolph Morris now wants to come back to Kentucky, and Chuck Hayes states that sex was consensual.
Word of the Day
temerarious \tem-uh-RAIR-ee-uhs\, adjective:
Recklessly or presumptuously daring; rash.
Becket's slayers insist that the king had indeed authorized
or directed murder, an interpretation fortified by Henry's
known enmity toward the temerarious priest for protesting
the subordination of ecclesiastical to secular authority.
--Bruce Fein, "Free speech or call to violence?"
[1]Washington Times, April 10, 2001
Recklessly or presumptuously daring; rash.
Becket's slayers insist that the king had indeed authorized
or directed murder, an interpretation fortified by Henry's
known enmity toward the temerarious priest for protesting
the subordination of ecclesiastical to secular authority.
--Bruce Fein, "Free speech or call to violence?"
[1]Washington Times, April 10, 2001
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Friday, July 08, 2005
Interesting Items of Note
- Non-dieters are more successful at boosting their health than those ardent dieters, this study finds.
- The greates thinkers of the world - not Marx or Sartre, but perhaps...David Hume.
- Below is a funny little comment from Political Wire
Many Democratic fans of the Washington Nationals are buying baseball caps
with an alternate "DC" logo instead of the more common cursive "W" because it reminds them of the current occupant of the White House, according to the Washington Post.
"During the design process, a baseball spokeswoman said, nobody made the connection to a certain political figure, for whom the same 23rd letter of the alphabet is a down-home nickname."
- The greates thinkers of the world - not Marx or Sartre, but perhaps...David Hume.
- Below is a funny little comment from Political Wire
Many Democratic fans of the Washington Nationals are buying baseball caps
"During the design process, a baseball spokeswoman said, nobody made the connection to a certain political figure, for whom the same 23rd letter of the alphabet is a down-home nickname."
Word of the Day
somnolent \SOM-nuh-luhnt\, adjective:
1. Sleepy; drowsy; inclined to sleep.
2. Tending to cause sleepiness or drowsiness.
[I]n his case, restrained ultimately meant boring, as the
audience was lulled into a somnolent state.
--Teresa Wiltz, "The Hip, the Flip, the Flop,"
[1]Washington Post, March 3, 2000
1. Sleepy; drowsy; inclined to sleep.
2. Tending to cause sleepiness or drowsiness.
[I]n his case, restrained ultimately meant boring, as the
audience was lulled into a somnolent state.
--Teresa Wiltz, "The Hip, the Flip, the Flop,"
[1]Washington Post, March 3, 2000
Thursday, July 07, 2005
- Terrorist attacks in London one day following their pick to host the 2012 Olympics, as well as the first day of the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland.
- Kentucky head coach Tubby Smith plans to speak with wayword Randolph Morris. The Morris debacle has helped fellow Cat, Rajon Rondo, learn much about the process.
- A Robot tossed out the first pitch in Nationals-Mets game last night.
- Kentucky head coach Tubby Smith plans to speak with wayword Randolph Morris. The Morris debacle has helped fellow Cat, Rajon Rondo, learn much about the process.
- A Robot tossed out the first pitch in Nationals-Mets game last night.
Word of the Day
ameliorate\uh-MEEL-yuh-rayt\, transitive verb:
To make better; to improve.
intransitive verb:
To grow better.
Among the pressures provoking these distresses were a
father's financial inadequacy and a growing awareness that,
by finding employment himself, he could ameliorate the
family's exiguous circumstances.
--Terence Brown, [1]The Life of W. B. Yeats: A Critical
To make better; to improve.
intransitive verb:
To grow better.
Among the pressures provoking these distresses were a
father's financial inadequacy and a growing awareness that,
by finding employment himself, he could ameliorate the
family's exiguous circumstances.
--Terence Brown, [1]The Life of W. B. Yeats: A Critical
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Judith Miller, reporter for the New York Times, was sent to jail today for failing to reveal her source, concerning the blown identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame. Because the link is to the Times which is a subscription site, I have included a brief excerpt below.
WASHINGTON, July 6 - A federal judge today ordered Judith Miller of The New York Times to be jailed immediately after she again refused to cooperate with a grand jury investigating the disclosure of the identity of a covert C.I.A. operative.
Another reporter who had been facing jail time on the same matter, Matthew Cooper of Time magazine, agreed today to testify to a grand jury about his confidential source on the same matter, thus avoiding jail. Mr. Cooper said he had decided to do so only because his source specifically released him from promises of confidentiality just before today's hearing.
Good stuff from Drudge on Democrat's "going to war" over Supreme Court.
Oil surged to $61.28 a barrel amid concerns that tropical storms may limit supply.
WASHINGTON, July 6 - A federal judge today ordered Judith Miller of The New York Times to be jailed immediately after she again refused to cooperate with a grand jury investigating the disclosure of the identity of a covert C.I.A. operative.
Another reporter who had been facing jail time on the same matter, Matthew Cooper of Time magazine, agreed today to testify to a grand jury about his confidential source on the same matter, thus avoiding jail. Mr. Cooper said he had decided to do so only because his source specifically released him from promises of confidentiality just before today's hearing.
Good stuff from Drudge on Democrat's "going to war" over Supreme Court.
Oil surged to $61.28 a barrel amid concerns that tropical storms may limit supply.
Noteworthy News
- In Singapore today the IOC awarded London the 2012 Olympic Games. Moscow, New York, and Madrid were all eliminated in the first round, and London beat Paris in the final round. The reaction is dismay in New York, and shock in Paris.
- Former UK basketball player Chuck Hayes agreed to be interviewed by the Lexington Police following the revival of an unfortunate rape allegation. The Mint Julep's thoughts go out to Chuck Hayes as he deals with this situation.
- 6 time Tour de France Winner Lance Armstrong started the 5th stage of this year's 2005 Tour de France in the lead. However, out of respect for a fellow rider who endured a terrifying wreck, Armstrong decided not to don the leader's traditional yellow jersey.
- As the G8 heads to Scotland this week, protestors, activists, anti-capitalists, anarchists and environmentalists have all converged in an attempt to express their own dissatisfactions with the world's problems.
- Former UK basketball player Chuck Hayes agreed to be interviewed by the Lexington Police following the revival of an unfortunate rape allegation. The Mint Julep's thoughts go out to Chuck Hayes as he deals with this situation.
- 6 time Tour de France Winner Lance Armstrong started the 5th stage of this year's 2005 Tour de France in the lead. However, out of respect for a fellow rider who endured a terrifying wreck, Armstrong decided not to don the leader's traditional yellow jersey.
- As the G8 heads to Scotland this week, protestors, activists, anti-capitalists, anarchists and environmentalists have all converged in an attempt to express their own dissatisfactions with the world's problems.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
For all the Right Reasons

Sandra Day O'Connor's decision to step down from the Supreme Court was one that was in large part propelled by her desire to spend more time with her husband John, who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. It is obvious that O'Connor has a clear understanding of her priorities. All too often people sacrifice family relationships and personal life for career advancement. While O'Connor certainly has reached the zenith of all legal careers, she still could have continued to serve. One year shy of her 25th year on the bench, O'Connor did just the opposite, so that she could focus on her private life.
I agree with the decision and applaud it, and not at all because I get tired of her swing voting tendencies. Although, she did vote the right way in the recent Kelo v. City of New London case, which is a complete bastadization of the Fifth Amendment. However, that is another post for another time. In any case, I salute O'Connor's service to America and wish that Congress and the President could work together to put another judge of O'Connor's quality on the bench.
Word of the Day
garrulous \GAIR-uh-lus; GAIR-yuh-\, adjective:
1. Talking much, especially about commonplace or trivial
things; talkative.
2. Wordy.
Without saying a single word she managed to radiate
disapproval ... the air seemed to grow heavy with it and
the most garrulous talker would wilt and fall silent.
--Mark Amory, [1]Lord Berners: The Last Eccentric
1. Talking much, especially about commonplace or trivial
things; talkative.
2. Wordy.
Without saying a single word she managed to radiate
disapproval ... the air seemed to grow heavy with it and
the most garrulous talker would wilt and fall silent.
--Mark Amory, [1]Lord Berners: The Last Eccentric
Monday, July 04, 2005
Happy 4th of July
Here is a short history of Independence Day. We are extraordinarily lucky to live in America and have the freedoms which we so often take for granted. Happy 4th, everybody!
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