Monday, December 19, 2005

Bush's Spy Deal

Below is a cartoon which I feel nicely sums up the whole Bush/NSA spy story.

Sorry its so small - that's the best I could get. If you can't read the cartoon, it basically says that the Times waited to publish this story until a time when it could overshadow the news of Iraq's successful election.


Anonymous said...

I don't know why, but I don't like you.

CCJM said...

Not everyone hard feelings.

Anonymous said...

Wah wah wah. Cry all you want about the Liberal Controled media. Everybody complains how the liberal ass media brainwashes American citizens into beleiveing in liberal values. Well what about the religious right? The last time i checked religion is one of the biggest political motivators out there. And who controls that? Conservatives. Millions of people tune in to Bill O'Reilly and Fox news which is known to be conservative. In fact I think its the leading cable news channel.The conservatives also control the oil industry. So quit your fuckin complaining. SBS-304 whines so much on your Blog Coley whether its about gays or the liberal media. I smile everytime i read his stuff. I think its very cute that be believes those things.

CCJM said...

I ain't the one complaining...I'm just pointing stuff out and calling it as I see it.

I do recognize the slant that Fox has, and while it may not be able to compete with the networks, it is a balancing option to CNN. Regardless, people are gonna watch whatever it is that tells them what they want to hear.

Anonymous said...

first, the Times told their reporter not to reveal her source in the Plame leak even if it meant going to jail, so it will also go out of its way to protect conservatives too. Anyway, while the timing is questionable, the fact is that spying on Americans is illegal without a warrent. There is a quick and secretive court which the warrent can be obtained from, and it can even be given up to 90 days retroactively. There is no excuse for that type of behavior no matter when the story broke. That is one thing liberals and conservatives should be able to agree on, violating laws and taking away civil liberties are unacceptable.

CCJM said...

While you do raise an interesting point with the Times, in regards to protecting conservatives, I feel that it really was more Judith Miller protecting her professional relationship with Scooter Libby. However, we are getting off subject.

The main issue at hand is whether Bush was legal in evesdropping on Americans. There isn't a clear cut answer, as far as I can tell. Regardless, as you correctly point out, "violating laws and taking away civil liberties are unacceptable." We all should agree with that.