The above graphic shows a bear falling onto a trampoline. A few of my friends have been arguing whether this is real or not. As for me, I doubt it, but feel free to give me your take.
Almost as cool as the Episcopal Hymnal.
My blog is worth $3,387.24.
How much is your blog worth?
C'mon, it doesn't take the MythBuster's guys from the Discovery Channel to figure this one out. I can't believe some jerks actually bought that garbage. Not only is the storyline ridiculous, if you actually think about the camera work and what was happening, you'll know that that story is unreal. The person wasn't even originally focusing on the bear, as if he expected it to fall and bounce on the trampoline, which would suggest that they knew what was going to happen, because it was planned. Also, the dude had no response whatsoever, no "Holy S#@*!", no "What the F%$*!" to what would be for all, a once in a life time first hand experience of seeing a gigantic bear fall off a tree limb, bouncing high up into the air off a trampoline as if it were a real person. Let's get serious here, that's just silly.
Wow, I guess the fake looking clip of the fake looking bear bouncing on the trampoline is real after all. I was skeptical at first, but if Fernbuckle McDragbottoms thought it was that important to actually take the time to visit as many as 8 different news channels just to see if it was real to prove his point, then I don't doubt it.
Fernbuckle McDragbottoms says: "Everybody knows who Q.E.D is", but apparently everybody but Fernbuckle McDragbottoms knows what Q.E.D. is. When a proof is complete people are supposed to end their proofs with the traditional statement Q.E.D. (Q.E.D. is an acronym for "quad est demonstradum", which is Latin for "that which was to be demonstrated.")
Putting it after a well stated argument, like anonymous did a few posts ago, is like putting the nail in the coffin similar to the way that NE intercepted Philly's last second desperation drive and ran the clock out.
Take notes, take notes.
Ferb*&%$^McDragQueen says: "Additionally I'm gonna keep caing you Q.E.D. because its quod not quad."
Make no mistake; your point of how I posted the same exact comment more than once was pretty good. However, perhaps my comments are so good that they deserve to be posted twice, while yours are genuinely painful to read. Even though in your fourth post you do get off some good, though unoriginal, lines (Put that in your pipe and smoke it you anonymous bastard!), your fifth post may be the worst post I’ve ever read. I found it hard to finish reading. Basically, to read your posts is to experience blog hell. You calling me Q.E.D. is not only meaningless and childish but also has absolutely no relationship at all with the spelling of the Latin word "quod" so the above quoted sentence does not make sense. Also, if you are going to post comments on The Mint Julep, please use proper spelling and grammar. The Mint Julep is a classy web log and your horrendous misspellings of words throughout all of your posts make you look like a jackass and demean the rest of us. Your usage of z's instead of s's is some seriously lame XFL-type s*. Please, it's “wasting” not “wsting”, "they", not "thay", "calling" not "caing"(see above) and "because" not "becauze" or "cuz". If you need help with the spelling, either, stop by room 56, use dictionary.com, or dig up someone else’s old 2nd grade spelling tests. Your posts would be far better off if they were taken out back somewhere and shot up.
Peace in the East.
Dear Mr. McDragbottom
I suck and blow at the same time like an air conditioner and you (Fernbuckle McDragbottom himself) is quite possibly the sexiest, smartest most skilled guy in the world. I apologize for ever doubting Mr. McDragbottom and would like to withdraw any comments i made or will make in the future. I am a loser and Lord McDragbottom is a proven winner. I can't beat him. I'm also sorry for wasting the reader's time with my moronic ranting that had no benefit or entertaining value for the mint juleps audience.
PS-I wet my pants and girls won't talk to me cuz i wet my pants.
Right Coast pride baby.... Sox are #1!!!!
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